
Nau Studios

Student accommodation - 4.55 km from city center
About the place
The furnished and flexible living at Nau Studios is ideal for young professionals and students alike Show more
Social and fun

Your home at Nau Studios includes not only your own furnished room, but also access to common areas, like the washing lounge with gaming area. Our studios are ideal for commuters as well as students. Come by and get to know us, both the building and the community.

취소 방침
Student housing
Student fees
Service Fee
50,00€ per person
Fee is payable at start of the lease
Available Rooms
Nau Studios is close to the popular Bad Cannstatter Wasn, as well as right by the Mercedes-Benz head Show more

Address: Nauheimer Straße 78-80, 70372, 슈투트가르트, 독일
Bad Cannstatt

All-in rent | The rental prices shown include not only the rent for the fully-furnished rooms but also the costs for heating, water and electricity. Internet and the use of the many facilities are also free of charge for you as a tenant.

Check-in details
Available 24 hours
Check-out details
Available 24 hours

Bank Transfer

Minimum age
Minimum age of at least 1 person to check in at the front desk: 18
Important information