
Resna Guesthouse

호스텔 - 2.09 km from city center
About the place
Situated in Kuta Lombok, 1.1 km from Kuta Beach. With air-conditioned rooms, a terrace and a garden. Show more
Available Rooms
Prabu Mountain is a short walk away. There are some bars, shops, markets and restaurants around 30 m Show more

Address: Jl. Mawun 3, 83573, 쿠타 롬복, 인도네시아
Check-in details
2:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Check-out details
5:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Minimum age
Minimum age of at least 1 person to check in at the front desk: 18
Important information

We do not accept children.

나이 제한
Special age limitations to stay in a dorm for the following dates: 2025/02/02 / 2 nights: 18+