
Hanoi EcoStay 2 Hostel

호스텔 - 0.85 km from city center
star_border 8.8
우수 최근 후기
우수 8.8
overall 8.8
staff 9.1
location 9.4
cleanliness 8.5
facilities 8.4
comfort 8.4
value 9.1
About the place
Hanoi EcoStay 2 Hostel is a cozy and peaceful hostel for travelers though located in the very heart Show more
Available Rooms
2 Guests
Just several steps, you can hang out at the vibrant and bustling Ta Hien street or wander around the Show more

Address: No. 8A, Alley 50, Đào Duy Từ street, 10000, 하노이, 베트남
Check-in details
Available 24 hours
Check-out details
Available 24 hours
늦은 체크 아웃 시간 최대: 12:00 AM - 0.00 USD


Minimum age
Minimum age of at least 1 person to check in at the front desk: 15
Important information

Hanoi Ecostay is a dormitory hostel which is not appropriate for children or people under 15 years old.

Payment upon arrival by cash only.

나이 제한
Special age limitations to stay in a dorm for the following dates: 2024/11/26 / 2 nights: 15+ 50+
Special age limitations to stay in a private room for the following dates: 2024/11/26 / 2 nights: 15+ 50+